Wood River Women's Foundation Sun Valley Ketchum Idaho
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3rd Annual Community State of the Valley Forum

/*! elementor – v3.14.0 – 26-06-2023 */ .elementor-column .elementor-spacer-inner{height:var(–spacer-size)}.e-con{–container-widget-width:100%}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer{width:var(–container-widget-width,var(–spacer-size));–align-self:var(–container-widget-align-self,initial);–flex-shrink:0}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container,.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer{height:100%}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer>.elementor-spacer-inner,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer>.elementor-spacer-inner{height:var(–container-widget-height,var(–spacer-size))} Wood River Women’s Foundation Announces 3rd Annual Community State of the Valley Forum Feb. 1, 2022 — Ketchum, Idaho — The Wood River Women’s Foundation (WRWF) today announced that it is hosting the 3rd Annual Community State of the Valley Forum on Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022. […]

2020 WRWF Grant Recipients Announced

2020 wrwf grant recipients  announced Thank you to all WRWF members who voted in this year’s funding process – your voice is how these decisions happen! Here are the results of your votes. In 2020, full Grant requests will be awarded to 12 non profits; the remaining funds will be divided equally between the 5 […]

COVID-19 Notice to Members

2020 wrwf grant recipients  announced On Saturday, March 14, the South Central Public Health District (SCPHD) confirmed the first case of Covid-19 in Blaine County. As you’ve no doubt seen in local media and heard across your networks, events and gatherings across the valley are being canceled and/or rescheduled in order to minimize exposure to […]

Please help with growing demand on WRWF’s Nonprofit Partners

contribute in your community In this moment of uncertainty and stress, I am feeling grateful: for the privilege of having a safe, warm and well-stocked home to shelter in; for the ability to connect with WRWF members no matter where each of us are located; and for WRWF’s generous philanthropic leadership in Blaine County where […]