2020 wrwf grant recipients announced
On Saturday, March 14, the South Central Public Health District (SCPHD) confirmed the first case of Covid-19 in Blaine County. As you’ve no doubt seen in local media and heard across your networks, events and gatherings across the valley are being canceled and/or rescheduled in order to minimize exposure to and spread of this virus.
We at the Wood River Women’s Foundation are committed to the health and safety of our members as well as our entire community and support the containment efforts being taken. We, too, will be cancelling our gatherings through the end of April. Fortunately for us, the only WRWF member event scheduled between now and April 30 is the April 1, Meet & Mingle at The Ram. PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED AND WILL, HOPEFULLY, BE RESCHEDULED LATER IN THE SPRING.
Ours is an amazing community and I know we will be diligent in our awareness, supportive of our neighbors in need, and wise in our actions. We will keep you updated as best possible during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
To stay on top of what’s happening in Blaine County, Click here to link to the SCPHD.
Please follow CDC guidelines to protect yourself and stay healthy! Click here for their website.
With gratitude for our WRWF community,
Terri Bullock, President
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@2024 Wood River Women’s Foundation
Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Federal Tax ID #81-4000190
Website By: Studio 360 Design