August 2023 President’s Message

Hello Members! 

What a spectacular 2023 Annual Meeting & Grantee Celebration – a huge thank you to the dozens of volunteers who made it happen! This member-favorite event marks my one year anniversary of serving the Foundation as President, a job that has been both a privilege and an adventure. There are three critical facts that are always at the forefront of what I know to be true about WRWF:


  1. Generous members. We could not deliver our grant making mission without the philanthropic commitment of our members. It is your contributions to our pooled fund that enable WRWF to provide robust support across Blaine County. Every member matters, and whether this is your 19th year of participation or your very first, I thank you for showing up to fund our grants!


  1. Deserving nonprofits. Our nonprofit partners are doing the work of heroes and heroines – the more support we can send their way, the more effectively they can deliver their services to the community. As you renew your membership this year, please bear in mind that you can always give more to the pooled fund than the minimum contribution of $1,000 ($500 for our Future Forward members). WRWF typically receives grant requests that are more than double the size of our available pool. Wouldn’t it be fabulous if we could fund more of those requests?!


  1. Committed volunteers. We have 100 active committee volunteers engaged in making sure WRWF’s wheels continue to turn. Our committees are led by the handful of women who serve on the Board and who have their hard-working shoulders perpetually to the wheel. This team—dedicated to our mission— is generous with their time and wallets, and are smart, open-minded, talented and kind. I could not ask for a better leadership team to work – and grow friendships – with. All members are welcome to join one of our wonderful committees – come for the volunteerism and stay for the friendships!


Thank you to each and every one of you for doing your part to support our community – what a terrific force of nature women are, especially when working together on behalf of others!

With WRWF gratitude,

Sandy McCullough