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legacy giving 

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The Wood River Women’s Foundation welcomes legacy gifts in members’ estate plans.

These expressions of confidence in our organization will have enduring value, both to our Wood River Community, and to the long-range mission of the WRWF. Through a bequest to the WRWF Legacy Giving in your will or trust, you are continuing to ensure that the community enjoys our substantial support across the spectrum of needs.

If you have already named WRWF in your will or trust please let us know so we can appropriately thank you. Our sincere gratitude goes to those WRWF Legacy Giving donors we are currently aware of including:

WRWF Legacy Giving

Lisa Adam

Audrey Bashaw

Terri Bullock

Judy and Kevin Cahill

Janis Fulton

Jill Grossman

Peggy Grove, Ph.D

Susie King

Gail S. Landis

Marcia Liebich

Ruthie Lieder

LeeAnne B. & Chris Linderman

Camille McCray

Sandy McCullough

Louisa Moats

Margot Nones

Diana Strandberg

Barbara Thrasher

Joanne Wetherell

Please contact the WRWF office if you have questions and to advise us if you’ve included WRWF in your estate plans; we will respect your privacy if you wish to remain anonymous.